Hey there, my warm cup of afternoon tea. I wanted to remind you that you're good. This is a style blog, but it's also an encouragement and empowerment blog. It is a blog to share thoughts, help you, and celebrate you, through a lens of having a fun time with clothes.

Fashion doesn't change who you fundamentally are. You aren't less beautiful a person if you aren't advanced at fashion. Contrary to what we learn constantly from society, media, and the people around us, fashionable or beautiful does not equate to goodness. And anyway, definitions of fashion and beauty are subject to bias, time period, region, culture, etc. And anyway, you are beautiful. No blog, including this one, is going to bestow beauty upon you, because you've already got it. The real fashion was...the friendships we made along the way?
Anyway, I just want to make it clear that I believe in your inherent beauty as a person, and that how "Vogue cover" you manage to look does not arbitrate your worth. But, given that, fashion is something that can be fun, help you out, enrich your life.

One of the most significant things you can give yourself for a fulfilling style journey is to embrace and sincerely believe that no matter what clothes you put on your body, you are good. It guides you toward a healthy mindset of "I'm good and I deserve to feel good about style" instead of "I need to have good style in order to feel I'm good." It opens possibilities for you where experimenting with style isn't burdened so much by the anxiety-inducing stakes of needing to always look good or else your value drops several points. I feel strongly about taking time to conscientiously examine your own feelings about stuff in your life that affects you emotionally and how you can work at reframing things positively. For lots of us, that's tough and positivity doesn't just happen when you look at a "live, laugh, love" quote. But it's doable over time with stumbles and breakthroughs, and it's a brightness in your life that's worth nurturing.
In my case, I do think that I am personally a better person because of my style evolution. Not because I'm hotter than I used to be (I am, for the record, and that's not unimportant to me) but because I just feel better about myself now. There is much more that factors into growing into my true self than just fresher looks, but I can directly trace a good slice of my developing self-confidence to my style journey. I feel more authentically myself, more confident, more proud. I feel less like being judged unfashionable reflects on me as a person and more like I'm participating in an area of my life that brings me happiness.

And maybe you don't feel the same way that I do about style being a powerful positive force. That's alright. This blog isn't to dictate what you do or what you care about. It's to encourage you to give things a try and help you with how to go about that. And also it's to give a home to my million thoughts I'm always having, because I enjoy this stuff and they might as well go somewhere.
Avoid tying your self worth to fashion; you're already worthwhile, you just might as well look cute and have fun while doing your thing.
Do you have any stories about fashion enhancing your self-confidence? Or do you have any unfortunate experiences where fashion has made you feel bad about yourself? If you have had bad experiences, I'm sorry, and I hope you've since had better experiences. We've all been there. Feel free to share cathartically, or shout out if you'd like some advice or positivity <3 Treat yourself to something you enjoy today, my little tea.